Bulletin Items - need to be submitted to the parish office by Tuesday at 8:00 AM for the following Sunday.
Bulletin Prayer List - To have a name printed in the "Bulletin Prayer List" for 3 months, call, give a note to an usher, or email the church office.
Eucharistic Adoration - Daily in the Adoration Chapel. (Ask the church office for door combination.)
Firearm Policy Please click here to read the firearm policy
Flowers for Church Altar Area - To provide the weekly Church flowers in thanksgiving, in memory of, or in honor of someone special, please sign up on the "Flower Calendar" in the entrance of church.
Holy Communion for the sick or home bound - call the Church office at (830) 644-2368 or
Renie Litton at (830) 644-2470.
Hospital - If you or a family member is in the hospital or ill and would like to see a priest, please call the parish office at (830) 644-2368 or call St. Mary's, Fredericksburg at (830) 997-9523.
Immediate prayer - To be placed on the "Prayer Chain", Email [email protected] or call (830) 992-9633 (DeAnn).
Mass Intentions - Notification Cards are available for a Mass Intention to be celebrated at St. Francis Xavier. One card is for a Mass Intention for the deceased and another card is for the Mass Intention for a living person/persons. Contact the church office for the cards. You may also call and request a Mass Intention without obtaining a card.
Online Giving - click to access the Giving page
Rosary - Saturday at 4:40 PM, Sunday at 8:40 AM, and Sunday at 10:40 AM
St. Thomas Hall Rental - contact the church office.