there will be a meeting in St. Thomas Hall at 10:00am about the Synod that Pope Francis has asked all People of God to participate in. See the flyer in the bulletin for more information.
want to thank all of St. Francis for their support, prayers, and acts of kindness. Additionally, we want to thank Trudy, Len, and Karen for all of their hard work and support. St. Rose Society - for their gifts and Confirmation reception. THANK YOU! We also thank Bishop Janak, Father John, Father Cajetan, Father Jim, and Deacon Marty for all of their prayers and support. These past three years have not been easy. Everyone's prayers have helped! Especially, we want to thank our parents and sponsors - their encouragement, love, support and dedication to us is truly appreciated. Love to all of you! Most of all....we thank God for choosing us! Where would we be if it were not for HIM?" As we travel this road into becoming those Soldiers of Christ who God wants us to be, please continue to pray for us. Thank you!"
When you participate in this collection, you support organizations that provide housing for victims of natural disasters, educational opportunities for refugees displaced by war, pastoral ministries to travelers and migrants who lack consistent access to the sacramental life of a parish community and legal services for immigrants and asylum seekers needing help to understand and comply with complex immigration laws. Envelopes are available in the foyer.
Maura Cowsert, Emily Fiedler, Madison Frantzen, Weston Herber, Stran Mohr, Charli Ann Olfers, and Reed Spies!! We also thank Most Rev. Gary Janak for visiting us and officiating at this mass. We congratulate Gerardo Barrera and Jaley Itz on their confirmation. They will be confirmed next weekend at St. Mary’s.
Thanks to all of the parishioners who contributed to the 2021 Archbishop’s Appeal! Because of your generous participation, we met our goal of 25% participation!! St. Francis Xavier has received a rebate in the amount of $1,719.00. This is the most that we have ever received in our rebate for meeting our goal!! We received $500.00 for meeting 20% participation, $1,000.00 for meeting 25%, then an additional calculated amount of $219.00 because we met or exceeded the average gift value we gave in 2019.
Scheduled for March 31, 2022 at 6:00pm! After this community event a meal of pizza with the trimmings will be served! This is a great opportunity to come out and be with friends you know or need to meet!
As communities of faith, Catholic Schools are called to be witnesses to the teachings of Jesus Christ and bring that love and inspiration to our students and their families. Families who send their children to Catholic Schools value an education rooted in Catholic teachings and tradition and are confident our schools provide their children with spiritual, moral, intellectual, and social formation. Enrollment is happening now for grades PK3 to 12th grade at all 37 Catholic Schools across San Antonio and surrounding communities!! Schedule a tour with a Catholic School today and learn how our Academic Excellence, Faith Formation, Community Service and Leadership foundations can benefit your child and family!
Everyone is welcome to attend the confirmation mass at 5:00 on Saturday to support, congratulate, and pray for our confirmation candidates. Afterwards, there will be a reception in the hall.
St. Rose Society and St. Thomas Society will meet at 10:00 AM in the Hall after the 9:00 AM mass. All ladies and men are invited to their respective meetings. help maintain the grounds of St. Francis Xavier Church. Volunteers are grouped together and assigned one month out of the year to perform basic landscape maintenance. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Glen Wienecke (512-203-3772) or Seth Crain (830-456-7968) to learn more about the Church grounds maintenance program.
...will be available in the entryway of church beginning March 1, 2022 and must be returned to the church office by March 31, 2022. This Leadership Award is available to all St. Francis Xavier students who graduate high school this spring and plan to enter college in 2022; have been a parishioner of St. Francis Xavier Church for at least one year; have received all their sacraments by March 31st; and actively practice their faith. The $500 award is sponsored by the St. Rose Society and St. Thomas Society and is based on leadership, character, and faith. Students must meet all of the above requirements to be eligible.
Daily mass at 7:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 6:00 PM, and 11:00 PM. Dish Network – Channel 261 and Direct TV – Channel 370.PM. Dish Network – Channel 261 and Direct TV – Channel 370.