THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH, 10:00 AM in the hall. Father Cajetan was recently notified that he is needed back in Nigeria to teach in the seminary. He will be leaving Fredericksburg in the next few weeks. We have been so blessed to have him with us at St. Francis Xavier these past 16 months and we will all be sad to see him leave. Please join us next Sunday, February 27th, following the 9:00am Mass to thank Father Cajetan for all the love and support he has given us, to say goodbye and wish him well in his travels, his return to his family, and his new teaching job with the PhD in theology that he earned while in the United States. Sandwiches, Fruit, Coffee, Tea and, of course, a decorated cake in Fr. Cajetan's honor, will be served. Everyone is invited. A basket for cards and gifts will be available at the reception for you to express your farewell wishes.
We need about sixty cakes, bundt cakes and single layer frosted cakes, for our drive through BBQ chicken dinner on March 6th. There is a sign-up sheet in the back of church, please consider baking one or more cakes. You can bring your cakes to church on Saturday evening or Sunday morning, March 6th.
The drive through BBQ is next weekend! Please continue selling those raffle tickets and promoting our event! We will be setting up for the BBQ on Saturday morning at 9am. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you! DeAnn & Kim
Masses will be held at 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM with the distribution of ashes. Resources for Lent are available on our website with a link on the home page. Lenten Regulations: Fasting: Ages 18-59 fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, limiting themselves to one full meal and two smaller meals each day, with no snacking between meals. Abstinence: Catholics age 14 and older abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent.
Confessions on the First Wednesday of the Month at 11:30 and anointing of the Sick will be moved to the next Wednesday, March 9th, to accommodate Ash Wednesday.
is offering their daily Lenten Companion as an eBook or iPhone App for $2.99. If you are looking for a guide during this Lent, consider this option. We will not have the little books this season because so many were being thrown away
...following the 9:00am Mass to thank Father Cajetan for all the love and support he has given us, to say goodbye and wish him well in his travels, his return to his family and his new teaching job with the PhD in theology that he earned while in the United States. Sandwiches, Fruit, Coffee, Tea and, of course, a decorated cake in Fr. Cajetan's honor, will be served. Everyone is invited. A basket for cards and gifts will be available at the reception for you to express your farewell wishes.
We truly appreciate the excellent paint job on the parking lot! Many thanks from all of the parishioners to Ed Smith for being so thoughtful and putting in the effort. It really makes the property pop!
We will again have a drive through BBQ chicken dinner this year instead of a dine-in meal! Hopefully, next year we will be back to a dine-in celebration! There are several ways parishioners can help with this celebration. For starters, you may take some raffle tickets to sell! We will be raffling the beautiful quilt made by the ladies of St. Francis. The dinner will be held March 6, 2022. There will be more information to come! Contact DeAnn Hampton or Kim Baethge with questions & offers to help!
Our confirmation candidates will be at their pre-confirmation retreat this Sunday. Please pray for each one to be filled with the Holy Spirit to discern God’s message for them.
St. Rose Society and St. Thomas Society meetings will be held at 10:00AM in St. Thomas Hall. All ladies and men are invited to their respective meetings.
Seth Crain was honored by the Archdiocese of San Antonio as our parish’s recipient of the Lumen Gentium award Wednesday evening, February 2nd, at a prayer service and award ceremony at St. Dominic Catholic Church in San Antonio. Congratulations Seth! Thank you for sharing your time and for your generosity to the parish. You truly have a servant’s heart. God bless you and your family always.
...for hosting Wednesday's lunch. The decorations, food and weather were amazing. It was nice to see so many join for the fellowship and a meal. The next meal will be on April 6th. (March is skipped because of the Parish Festival BBQ being that same week.)
St. Francis Xavier families take Msgr. Petsch’s chalice home with a booklet to guide their prayer. We pray for those people discerning vocations. Fulfilment is in doing the work that our Lord asks us to do for his people. The love comes back to each parish through vocations. Please give your name to an usher or contact the office to participate.