The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on the 1st Wednesday, February 2nd, from 11:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. Anointing of the Sick will be available at the end of Mass on each First Wednesday.
The February "Valentine" lunch will be Chicken Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread, Fruit Salad, Dessert and Tea. The meal will be served after the Noon Mass and will be by donation to cover the expenses. Everyone is welcome for the meal and fellowship. A sign-up sheet is in the entrance of church. Please sign up or call the church office by Monday, January 31st.
...before and after all Masses January 15th through the 23rd. Attendance at meetings is very much appreciated but not a condition of membership. Dues are $10 and will help support our many projects and programs at church and in the community. All women, as well as teens, are encouraged to join the St. Rose Society. The work we do is amazing and the spiritual benefits of membership are truly a blessing. If you have any questions, please contact Kathy Antus 870-371-3777.
Join the San Antonio March For Life! 12:30 pm Pick up Signs on Main Plaza in front of San Fernando Cathedral. 12:30 pm Live Band, 1-2 pm: March For Life, 2-3 pm: Rally For Life, Main Plaza (in front of San Fernando Cathedral). March & Stand with thousands of pro-lifers throughout the USA! You'll be a light to help put an end to abortion through prayer! Bring your whole family! Rain or shine! Bring also water, lawn chairs, umbrellas and strollers. Bring your own life affirming signs. Signs will also be provided. Go to for more details. Like @SanAntonioFamilyAssociation on Facebook.
For this weekend, Fr. Jim Harnan will be the celebrant for Saturday evening mass. He is not available on Sunday, though. So, we will have communion services with Deacon Marty. Fr. Jim will consecrate sufficient hosts at the Saturday mass for everyone to receive the holy eucharist on Sunday. Mass is also available in Fredericksburg on Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, and at 11:15 AM and in Johnson City at 9:00 AM.
St. Rose Society and St. Thomas Society will meet at 10:00 AM in the Hall after the 9:00 AM mass. All ladies and men are invited to their respective meetings.
Fr. John and Fr. Cajetan would like to thank all of those who gave them such nice goodies and treats over the Christmas holiday! The love and kindness of the St. Francis Xavier community is a blessing.
We will take the SFX Christmas decorations down on Saturday morning, January 15th at 9am. Please come and help....many hands make light work! It should only take about 45 minutes. Questions? Call Diane Laborde 713-248-2068
The St. Rose Society has placed a box in the entrance of church to receive your used Christmas cards for their tray favor project. Feel free to trim off the personal message side of the cards before turning them in. The cards are trimmed, labeled and used as Christmas tray favors each year at the Fredericksburg nursing homes, the hospital and the Kerrville VA Hospital. Many thanks.