Meeting for catechists this Sunday, June 27th, after the 9:00 AM mass in St. Thomas Hall. If you have not been a catechist before, pray about whether you may be called at this time in your life to participate in the formation of our youth. If you have participated in the past, consider bringing your experience to our young people. The future of our faith is in the formation of our young. If you want to make a difference, this is a great opportunity.
To place yourself, a family member or friend on the church email prayer chain, send your request to [email protected]. If you would like to receive an email notice of the prayer requests, send a note to the same email address and you will be added to the contact list.
The Chalice Program is a family prayer devotion for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. If your family would like to participate in the Chalice Program, please call the office or send an email.
Our parishioners have access to media content on at no cost to parishioners. Please take advantage of the Catholic movies, programs, and educational opportunities. If you are interested, please contact the parish office for details.
We are incredibly grateful that our parish pews are being filled by you and our brothers and sisters throughout the Archdiocese of San Antonio. These are joyous times in which we wish to spread the Good News to all our faith communities! In this spirit guided by the Holy Spirit, we invite you to (1) Invite 3-5 friends (or family) to come to mass with you next weekend, (2) Pray together with your family or friends for a few minutes daily, (3) Consider sharing a spiritual reflection of your preference in all or one of your social media accounts, (4) "Like" our parish on our Facebook page or (5) Consider making a gift to our parish, the Archbishops Appeal for Ministries or to a local organization. We are thrilled to have you and so many join us in prayer during this season of invitation. If you wish to make a gift to the Appeal today, prepared envelopes are in the entrance of church. God bless you all and many thanks to those that have already participated.
Thank you for organizing the assembling of the covers for the missalettes and placing them in the church. Many thanks for all you do for the Parish. God bless everyone who helped with the work.
St Thomas Society will hold a Pancake / Sausage Breakfast with Orange Juice & Coffee in the Hall after 9:00 am & 11:00 am Mass. All are WELCOME. By Donation Only. All proceeds will be sent to the Hinkley Family Mission in Honduras.