Fried Chicken, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Tossed Salad, Rolls, Lemonade, Tea and Cake will be served. The social and lunch will take place in the hall after the June 2nd Wednesday Mass and the anointing of the sick. Please sign up on the list in the entrance of church or call the church office by noon Monday, May 31st, if you plan to attend. Cost of the meal is by donation to cover the expenses. This will be the final First Wednesday lunch for the spring and we plan to resume in September. Thank you Seth and Rosie Crain for preparing the fabulous Mexican meal last month and thank you to Cindy Eilers, Janie Nielsen, Renie Litton, Kathy Antus and Judy Petsch for planning the June 2nd chicken picnic lunch. FYI - the dessert will feature our priests' and deacon's May and June anniversaries and birthday.
Fried Chicken, Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Tossed Salad, Rolls, Lemonade, Tea and Cake will be served. The social and lunch will take place in the hall after the June 2nd Wednesday Mass and the anointing of the sick. Please sign up on the list in the entrance of church or call the church office by noon Monday, May 31st, if you plan to attend. Cost of the meal is by donation to cover the expenses. This will be the final First Wednesday lunch for the spring and we plan to resume in September. Thank you Seth and Rosie Crain for preparing the fabulous Mexican meal last month and thank you to Cindy Eilers, Janie Nielsen, Renie Litton, Kathy Antus and Judy Petsch for planning the June 2nd chicken picnic lunch. FYI - the dessert will feature our priests' and deacon's May and June anniversaries and birthday.
This Sunday at the 9am Mass, we celebrate, Caleb Olfers and Rob Zuberbueler, our high school graduates and recipients of the St. Francis Xavier Leadership Awards. There will be a cake and punch reception, in their honor, following the 9am Mass in St. Thomas Hall. Please Join Us.
The Archbishop’s Appeal supports the ministries and programs in our own diocese, such as Adult Education & Re-Employment Program, Caritas Legal Services, Clothes Closet, Project Rachel, and many more. Participation matters. If you have not contributed in the past, please consider doing so. Thanks to all who have already supported the 2021 Archbishop’s Appeal!
St. Francis Xavier exceeded the goal set for the 2020 Archbishop’s Appeal and has received a rebate of $785.62! Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2020 Archbishop’s Appeal!