St. Francis Xavier has reached 15.9% of our goal and has 23 donors! Please remember that every donor and every donation matters and is so important. Thank you so much!!!
The Collection on Good Friday will be for the Shrines of the Holy Land and to help minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religious education in the Holy Land. The Pontifical Good Friday Collection also helps to preserve the sacred shrines in the Holy Land.
No Mass or Communion Service on Tuesday – the priests will be at the Archdiocesan Chrism Mass in San Antonio. Please follow the Calendar Link under the Events & News tab.
Donations are being accepted for flowers used in the church during Holy Week and Easter. You may list the honoree(s) on the envelope to be listed in the Easter weekend bulletin. You may drop the envelope in the weekend collection basket or send to the church office.
Although the celebration for Lumen Gentium is different this year, our gratitude for your discipleship and service to our parish in the Lord’s name is sincere and heartfelt. My God continue to bless both of you.
All assigned Musicians, Ushers, & Lectors are asked to attend: Tuesday, March 23 at 6:30PM – Holy Thursday and Good Friday rehearsal Saturday, March 27 at 6:15PM – Easter Vigil rehearsal With the planning meetings, the Triduum will be so very special. Please meet in the church.
The confirmation retreat is re-scheduled for next Sunday from 10 AM to 3 PM. Please keep our Confirmation students: Gerardo Barrera, Maura Cowsert, Emily Fiedler, Madison Frantzen, Jaley Itz, Fey Jung, Stran Mohr, and Charli Olfers, their families, and their sponsors in your prayers. Our Confirmation students will have their final retreat in February 2022 before they receive Confirmation!
Fasting: Ages 18 -59 fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, limiting themselves to one full meal and two smaller meals each day, with no snacking between meals. Abstinence: Catholics age 14 and older abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent.
Please see the "festival" flyer in this weekend's bulletin. Many thanks to all those that were involved to make the "festival/chicken barbecue drive through and raffle" a success. A special thank you is included in the flyer for the reply to our request for sponsorships. These donations make for a successful festival and help in keeping the expenses down. Individual expense sponsorships this year were donations of $500.00 and $150.00; donation of the potato salad ($450.00), the newspaper ad ($127.50) and thank you to Weinheimer & Son for the plates, bread, pickles and onions ($225.00). Many thanks and blessings to everyone that participated in any way.
St. Francis Xavier has reached 14.5% of our goal and 21 donors! Please remember that every donor and every donation matters and are so important. Thank you so much!!!
The confirmation retreat is re-scheduled for next Sunday from 10 AM to 3 PM. Please keep our Confirmation students: Gerardo Barrera, Maura Cowsert, Emily Fiedler, Madison Frantzen, Jaley Itz, Fey Jung, Stran Mohr, and Charli Olfers, their families, and their sponsors in your prayers. Our Confirmation students will have their final retreat in February 2022 before they receive Confirmation!
For those attending mass Sunday morning, pick-up is available at the hall side door. All others, please use the drive-through pick-up. As in the past, left over chicken will be sold for $5.00 per half. If you want to be on the sign-up list to purchase left over chicken, please contact David Laborde or Kim Baethge.
Because we reached our goal for the Archbishop’s Appeal last year, St. Francis Xavier received a rebate of $785.62. Thank you for your generosity and for your participation! Both matter!!!
For one year we have been faced with restrictions and other safety measures enacted to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19. These have greatly impacted our lives and our ministry as Church. Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced that effective March 10, 2021, he would lift the mandate to wear masks in public. He also announced that all businesses could operate at 100 percent of capacity. San Antonio Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller, MSpS, has determined, after reviewing the governor’s order, and after seeking advice from health authorities and local civic officials, that all of the safety measures in place at the current time are to be continued throughout the Archdiocese of San Antonio until further notice. This regards the use of face coverings or masks; social distancing; hand washing; and regular use of sanitizing procedures that have been effective in keeping us safe. These will not be changed at this time.