Wednesday, March 3 - Confessions on the First Wednesday of the Month at 11:30. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available on this 1st Wednesday from 11:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. Anointing of the Sick will be available at the end of Mass on each First Wednesday.
There is a sign-up sheet in the back of church for folks who are able to help on the day of the festival. We are in great need of extra kitchen help, ‘to go’ line help, raffle ticket help and dessert help. There is a dessert sign-up sheet also with special instructions! Raffle tickets will be sold after the masses. If you would like some raffle tickets to sell, please contact Kim Baethge or DeAnn Hampton. We are in need of folks to sell tickets after the masses. Tickets are also available for purchase at Weinheimer and Son. Please contact Kim Baethge (830-889-0190) or DeAnn Hampton (830-992-9633) with any questions you may have regarding the ‘festival.’
The ladies of the St. Rose Society would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the St. Thomas Society for the beautiful pink carnations we received for Valentine's Day. It was so kind and thoughtful of you to remember all the ladies of St. Francis Xavier with the lovely flowers. We are so blessed at SFX to have such a great group of men. Many Blessings, The Members of the St. Rose Society
The St. Thomas Society wants to show appreciation for all of the ladies of the parish on this Valentine’s Day and will be giving the ladies flowers after each mass.
February 17th - Ash Wednesday Masses with distribution of ashes will be at 12:00 Noon and 6PM Fr. Cajetan Anyanwu will remain for one hour after the noon mass and for half an hour after the 6PM mass to distribute ashes to anyone who is unable to make it to the masses, but who would like to receive ashes.
"Why am I here?" is the theme for our spring 2021 Confirmation Retreat on February 21st from 10 AM to 3 PM. Please keep our Confirmation students: Gerardo Barrera, Maura Cowsert, Emily Fiedler, Madison Frantzen, Jaley Itz, Fey Jung, Stran Mohr, and Charli Olfers, their families, and their sponsors in your prayers. Our Confirmation students will have their final retreat in February 2022 before they receive Confirmation!
Sunday, February 14 – St. Rose Society and St. Thomas Society meetings. 10:00AM in the Hall. All ladies and men are invited to the respective meetings. Guests are always welcome.
There is a sign-up sheet in the back of church for folks who are able to help on the day of the festival. We are in great need of extra kitchen help, ‘to go’ line help, raffle ticket help and cake help. There will be a cake sign-up sheet soon with special instructions! Raffle tickets will be sold after the masses. If you would like some raffle tickets to sell, please contact Kim Baethge or DeAnn Hampton. We are in need of folks to sell tickets after the masses. Tickets are also available for purchase at Weinheimer and Son. Please contact Kim Baethge or DeAnn Hampton with any questions you may have regarding the ‘festival.’