FESTIVAL NEWS - The 29th Annual Parish Festival is Five Weeks away, Sunday March 7th. This year, the festival will be drive through only. So, mark your calendars as we will need extra kitchen help and drive through volunteers. A sign-up sheet will be available soon. Modified Raffle: As in the past, the St. Francis Quilters have provided the quilt. This will be the only raffle item this year. We will not have the silent auction. There will only be one mass on March 7th at 10:00 AM. More information will be forthcoming.
The St. Rose Society will be collecting recycled Christmas card to use as tray favors next December for the hospital and care facilities in Fredericksburg and the VAMC in Kerrville. We are only looking for cards where the sender did not write a message on the reverse side of the front of the card, a sticker is placed in that space with a Christmas wish from the St. Rose Society. We then remove and discard the back half of the card where the signatures are. There will be a box in the back of church for your cards, we appreciate and thank you for your donations.
Guidelines state that "Masks will be required for all persons except those too young to wear a mask throughout the Mass and anyone unable to remove a mask without assistance." Therefore, beginning this weekend, St. Francis Xavier will follow this requirement. The guidelines are posted on the Archdiocese’s website. The link is provided on the St. Francis Xavier website under Covid-19 Update.
Catholic Men's Conference will be held in the Athletic Center at St. Matthews, 10703 Wurzbach, San Antonio 78230 on Saturday February 27, 2021. This year attendees have the choice of participating on site or virtual. Participants can register via website, pilgrimcenterofhope.org/conferences/cmc/ or by calling 210-521-3377. Scholarships are available.
The custom of offering the Mass for a specific intention, even when one cannot be physically present at the Mass, is a longstanding tradition in the Church. This is because the Church considers the Mass the greatest possible prayer of intercession insofar as it is the perfect offering of Christ to the Father by making present the paschal mystery of his death and resurrection. Special graces may be obtained when the priest applies the Mass to a particular intention. If you would like to sign up for a mass intention for your family (living or deceased) or other particular intention, please contact the office.
Christians for 40 Days for Life From February 17 – March 28, you are invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You are also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside Planned Parenthood located at 2140 Babcock Rd. and to help spread the word about this important community outreach. For more information – especially if you would like to volunteer to help - please contact: [email protected] You can visit our website at www.sacfl.org or sign up for an hour to pray at: www.40daysforlife.com/sanantonio.
The St. Rose Society and the St. Thomas Society will be collecting dues for the coming year, before and after all masses January 16th through the 24th. Attendance at meetings is very much appreciated but not a condition of membership. Dues are $10 and will help support our many projects and programs at church and in the community. All men and women, as well as teens, are encouraged to join the St. Thomas and St. Rose Societies. The work we do is amazing and the spiritual benefits of membership are truly a blessing. If you have any questions, please contact: Seth Crain 830-456-7968 or Kathy Antus 870-371-3777.
The calendar to sign up for altar flowers is in the foyer of the church. There are several weekends available between now and the end of the year for those who wish to provide the flowers in thanksgiving, in memory of, or in honor of someone special or a special event.
Tecaboca is currently registering for youth summer camp. 20% off until January 20th. More information is available at www.tecaboca.com or by calling 830-866-3425.
God blesses each one of us in different ways. With those blessings, we are expected to help others to find the love of Jesus Christ and to be the stewards of those gifts. The Archbishop’s Appeal supports the ministries in our diocese including social services, religious vocations, religious education, and pastoral ministries. You are invited to participate. www.archsa.org/appeal The Archbishop will be sending letters of invitation with additional information.
We will take down the church decorations on Sunday, January 10th at 1pm. All help is greatly appreciated! Also, the poinsettias need a home. If you would like one (or more), please take it home with you after Mass on Jan.9-10. Stella would like to reuse the outside containers again so please put them in the usher room. Thank you! Diane Laborde Questions? call me @713-248-2068
More than just a a retreat about the Holy Spirit- it is an experience of the Holy Spirit. Presented by St.Mary's Catholic Church and the Catholic Center for Charismatic Renewal. Click the link above for details and registration.