The Sunday 9:00 AM mass attendance list is full. If you would like to attend a mass this coming weekend, please choose either the Saturday 5:00 PM or Sunday 11:00 AM mass.
A special thank you to The St. Thomas Society and Seth Crain for the extra work that has been done lately on maintenance tasks. Little things add up over time. We had quite a little list of items at the rectory and the hall that needed attention. God bless you for your stewardship!
First Wednesday of the Month Confessions will be on January 6th. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 11:30 AM to 12:00 Noon. Anointing of the Sick will be available at the end of Mass.
Click above to access registration form. Day retreat 8AM to 8:30PM. 8th through 12th graders will meet at the Holy Family Center in Fredericksburg at 8AM and take a bus over to Tecaboca. The registration form is on our website. Contact Sara Boettcher at [email protected] with any questions regarding the retreat. everyone who came to help decorate the church for Christmas last Sunday! "Many hands make light work". We all worked together to make our church look beautiful. Wishing you a Blessed Christmas! Diane Laborde
Our young people in the confirmation class will host a live nativity scene at St. Francis Xavier on Sunday afternoon, December 20th, from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM for drive-by participation.
Any non-perishable food items and brand-new toys for ages 0 to 17 years will be greatly appreciated! We will be taking donations through December 21st and begin distribution on December 23rd for any family in need living in our area. Please message Arin Jenschke Smith at 830.456.9431 for donations, to drop off goods, or to sign up a family for this day.
We will decorate the church for Christmas on Sunday, December 20th at 1:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to join us. It should only take about an hour. Please wear a mask! We will begin unloading the boxes from the storage building at 12:45pm. Questions? Call Diane Laborde 713-248-2068
Christmas Eve & Christmas Day Guest List – The guest lists for both Christmas Eve masses and the Christmas Day mass are full. Masses will be streamed from St. Mary’s on Christmas Eve beginning with the Children’s Pageant at 6:00 PM.
Sunday, December 13th, after the 9 o'clock Mass, in St. Thomas Hall. TOOL is a ministry for couples to improve their relationship with each other and with God. A team consists of 5-7 couples who meet monthly at each other's homes to share a meal, fellowship, and study Scripture. If you're unable to attend the informational meeting but are interested in TOOL please contact Mike and Judy Eilers 830 456 6310 or Nicole and Glen Wienecke 512 203 4331.
Please list those who you wish to “honor” or “in memory of” on the envelope and turn it into the church office by Wednesday, December 16. The names will be included in the December 20th bulletin.
The guest list for Christmas Day is full. However, an additional Christmas Eve mass has been added at 3:00 PM. If you would like to attend either the 3:00 PM or 6:00PM mass on Christmas Eve, please call or send an email to the office to have you and those in your family added.