On the weekend of the Feast of Christ the King, we are commissioning all of our Worship Ministries at our Nov. 25 & 26 Masses. As we begin our new liturgical year on December 3, the First Sunday of Advent, we will pray for all those who share and lead in our worship, our Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharistic, Homebound Ministers, Ushers, Greeters, Altar Servers, Choirs and persons who prepare our altars and its environment. Thank you for sharing in these ministries and what you give our parish! En el fin de semana , la fiesta de Cristo Rey, nosotros vamos a bendecir a todos los Ministros de la Liturgia: Lectores, Ministros de Eucaristía, Ministros de Hospitalidad, Moneguias, Coros y personas quien preparar nuestro altar y ambiente de la iglesia durante el año. Gracias a todos por su servicio a la iglesia.
In preparation for this commissioning we will be holding Worship Ministry Training sessions for all existing and those who would like to share in the ministry. If you are unable to attend the training, please contact Father Phil or the Parish Office that we update you. To all who share in our worship ministries thank you for your commitment and service to God and our faith community.
Wednesday, November 15 Ushers & Greeters 6:30 pm Thursday, November 16 Lectors 6:30 pm Saturday, November 18 Altar Servers 9:00 am Monday, November 20 Extraordinary Ministers 6:30 pm