An Encounter with Angels: The Power of St. Michael, Archangel of the Divine Mercy presented by Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA, ordained a priest of the Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel on May 26, 1990 and visiting from his congregation’s main headquarters in Marki, near Warsaw. This presentation will be on Weds., Feb. 1 from 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM at Pilgrim Center of Hope 7680 Joe Newton, San Antonio, TX 78251.Mass at 9:30am in PCH Chapel, followed by a Presentation on St. Michael and/or Divine Mercy, finishing at 12pm with the Rosary. No RSVP is required. Come one, come all! For questions: 210-521-3377 or
For more information about Fr. Prusakiewicz, pleaseCLICK HEREplease for his page on the website for his congregation.
For the main page for the The Congregation Of Saint Michael The Archangel (C.S.M.A.)CLICK HERE.