We invite you to join on the First Saturday of October, October 5, for a Respect Life Mass at 8:00 am. Following the Mass we will pray the Rosary of Life. In October, the Catholic Church in the United States celebrates Respect Life Month, and the first Sunday of October is designated as Respect Life Sunday.
Abortion tragically rejects the sanctity of life, ending the life of a child and harming those involved in a variety of ways. Like the Blessed Mother, we are called to welcome, protect, and nurture the gift of new life from its first and most fragile moments. Following Jesus means caring for and protecting those who are most vulnerable and helping others to do the same. May each of us pray and work to ensure that life is protected from conception, through life to natural death.
We invite all to join us for our Respect Life Mass and praying of the Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament on Oct. 5.