THIS SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH, 10:00 AM in the hall. Father Cajetan was recently notified that he is needed back in Nigeria to teach in the seminary. He will be leaving Fredericksburg in the next few weeks. We have been so blessed to have him with us at St. Francis Xavier these past 16 months and we will all be sad to see him leave. Please join us next Sunday, February 27th, following the 9:00am Mass to thank Father Cajetan for all the love and support he has given us, to say goodbye and wish him well in his travels, his return to his family, and his new teaching job with the PhD in theology that he earned while in the United States. Sandwiches, Fruit, Coffee, Tea and, of course, a decorated cake in Fr. Cajetan's honor, will be served. Everyone is invited. A basket for cards and gifts will be available at the reception for you to express your farewell wishes.