Congratulations to St. Francis Xavier for reaching the goal of the 2020 ANNUAL ARCHBISHOP APPEAL. Also to note, St. Francis Xavier is currently holding the honor of the "highest participation in the Fredericksburg Rural Deanery", meaning that we have a large percentage of households that have participated. Thank you to all who have contributed each and every year, allowing St. Francis Xavier to continue to reach our assigned goal. As in the past, since we have again met our goal, we will receive the 50% overage back as a Rebate after the end of the year. Those of you that have not yet participated may do so in prayer, by contacting the church office, or by dropping your donation in the collection basket with a special memo for the "Archbishop Appeal 2020" (checks should be payable to Archbishop's Appeal 2020). Your gift helps make the Church of God what God intends it to be. We are Christ's hands, feet, and heart when we serve others and assist in the Church's mission of salvation for all.